At the beginning of 2008, I was happily single and didn't expect my life to change as dramatically as it did that year. If someone had told me that I would travel to Japan for the first time in my life and spend a total of six weeks there, I don't think I would’ve believed them. I probably would have asked, “How is that possible?!” Japan was a far-out-there dream, I didn’t have a lot of discretionary income, and I felt pretty locked into a job with little vacation time.
But life had other plans.
In March of 2008, I met my husband, Steve, who’d recently accepted a position in Japan. It was not the most convenient time to start a relationship, but I was open and optimistic. I was also deep into reading Eckhart Tolle and Wayne Dyer and figured I’d enjoy the present moment and expect miracles.
By October of that year, I was traveling to visit him in Japan for three weeks. If you missed last week's newsletter, I shared how I managed to take six weeks off from work to make these trips possible. You can read that story [here]#believeinthepossible.
We lived in Kobe, and traveled to Kyoto, Nara, Miyajima Island, Hiroshima, and other incredible places. It was beyond what I had ever imagined possible at the beginning of the year. But the miraculous kept happening. I returned to Japan a few months later and we traveled to Nagano, ate ramen, sat in hot springs, and met some of the most incredible people.
I never saw this coming.
Too often, we fear the unknown rather than considering that it could bring us experiences beyond our wildest dreams. We don’t know the future, but that doesn’t mean it’s something to fear. Life can deliver amazing things that we never see coming.
The key is to remain OPEN to the incredible.
Things that seem impossible are possible. The miraculous happens all the time. Embrace the unexpected. You never know what wonderful surprises life has in store for you.
Big hugs,
PS: Want help creating miracles in your life? 1:1 coaching can change your focus to help you be open to experiencing more of the miraculous. Sign up for a Discovery Session to learn how your life could be different from being in the present moment and open to the incredible!
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